Monday, August 13, 2007

Quilting activity

This morning we held our Monday morning ritual at the chapel - our quilting Enrichment activity.

We usually have about five to seven ladies meet at our church and it is thoroughly enjoyable to sit around our tables and quilt away. One day I am going to pass my talents (yes they will come) onto my girls so they don't end up like me, muddling around in their mid-thirties trying to perfect a quilter's knot. Our ever patient teachers are Vicki Ziesel and Phyllis Moores. I know they are going to be so proud of us when we show off our finished products.

Mel hard at work on the sewing machine. Her quilt is shown below with some brilliant colours that remind me of Autumn. Thankgoodness we are at the other end of winter.

Sue also hard at work doing some cutting out - the longest and most boring part I reckon.
Emma has started on her visoflex work - see it sounds like I know what I am talking about.
Simone having a go at the sewing machine

Doreen has decided to learn a colonial knot for the end of her flower stems. I'll get there one day too. At the moment I think I will just stick with hearts.


The Kings said...

Love the Deloraine ward RS blog!!! Looks great - what a good idea!

Kit Porter said...

Great work Simone. It looks so professional. Hope everybody gets to see it real soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Simone - finally got onto the site. It looks great and as Deeanne said will be a great Ehistory for Relief Society in the Deloraine Ward!
Ali C.