This is the newest addition to our ward. Baby Lil, Toni and Jaron's little bub, being held nice and snug here by Sister Doig.
(this cake can be made up to 4 days ahead and kept in an airtight container)
250g chopped butter
200g dark chocolate melts (do not use choc chip bits as they do not melt)
2 cups (440g) castor sugar
1 1/3 cups water
1 tablespoon Caro
3/4 cup plain flour
3/4 cup self-raising flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder
3 eggs lightly beaten
Chocolate Glaze
200g dark chocolate melts
2/3 cup (160ml) thickened cream
- Grease and flour deep 19cm square cake pan and line base and sides with baking paper. (Can use 1 large springform tin or 2 small ones)
- Combine butter, chocolate, sugar, water and Caro in a medium saucepan;stir over low heat without boiling until butter is just melted and mixture is smooth. Transfer mixture to large bowl, allow to cool 10 mins.
- Preheat oven to slow heat (150degrees). If oven is fan-forced, set on 140 degrees Whisk combined sifted flours and cocoa into chocolate mixture in two batches, then whisk in eggs. Pour mixture into prepared pan.
- Bake in slow oven for 1 3/4 hrs or 1 1/2 if fan-forced. Test with skewer-should be a little sticky in centre
- After removing from oven, leave in tin and cover with foil until cold
- Combine chocolate and cream in medium heatproof bowl;stirl over barely simmering water until smooth
- Spread thin layers of glaze all over cold cake using a pastry brush to paint sides and top
Cake is suitable to freeze
Best stored at room temp for optimum texture and flavour
wow I am so excited that this recipe is here!! I have tasted this cake before and it is delicious!!! Wish I could have been there! Hey Mel - can you put the recipe for your dinner rolls on here??? And your short cake?? Actually maybe you should just publish a cook book!!! lOve Bec!
thanks for putting the recipe up...i forgot to take my copy home and now i don't have to worry about getting it from kit!!!
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